Obituary of Joe Ollenberger
On January 26th 2024, Joe Ollenberger passed away peacefully in Kelowna B.C. He was surrounded by his wife Randa and children, Traelen and Tahlia, along with his brothers and close family members.
Joe had a passion for life and found great joy in his family and friends. His jokes and stories always drew laughs and we already miss the sound of his laughter.
We wish to thank Dr. Gerhard Verster and the ladies at Highroad Medical for their impeccable care and kindness shown to Joe. He appreciated each and everyone of you.
We also want to thank all the nursing staff at Kelowna Hospice House for making his last days easier for all of us.
The family wishes to invite you to the Joe Cool Barefoot Memorial on June 2, 2024 at Lake point Golf and Country Club.
We will be holding a 6 man scramble from 12-4, with registration at 11am.
Following the golf we will be having a memorial service for Joe at 5 pm which is open to all who wish to attend.
We hope to celebrate Joe the way he lived, with love, joy and togetherness.
Since there are limited spots for golf, please rvsp by May 1, 2024
Email. jcbarefoot@outlook.com
Pictures and stories you wish to share can be sent to the above email also.
Thank you to everyone for being a part of Joe’s life.
-Randa, Traelen and Tahlia
To send flowers to the family or plant a tree in memory of Joe Ollenberger, please visit Tribute Store