Sherol Mayer

Sherol Mayer

1958 - 2017

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Obituary of Sherol Mayer

Obituary Those wishing to make donations in memory of Sherol can do so to the Williams family to assist with funeral expenses or by contacting Kaylie with Hamre's Funeral Chapel 250-785-6273 or The family thanks everyone for all their kind words and assistance during this difficult time. Cemetery Details Woodlawn Cemetery Fort St. John, BC, Wake MAY 2. 07:00 PM Royal Canadian Legion Hall 10103 105 Ave Fort St. John, BC, CA, V1J 2M4 Funeral Service MAY 3. 11:00 AM Royal Canadian Legion Hall 10103 105 Ave Fort St. John, BC, CA, V1J 2M4 Services
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A Memorial Tree was planted for Sherol
We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Hamre's Funeral Chapel & Cremation Center
Services for Sherol Mayer
There are no events scheduled. You can still show your support by sending flowers directly to the family, or planting a memorial tree in memory of Sherol Mayer.
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